What is neurofeedback training and how can it be used as a treatment?

Neurofeedback Therapy is one of the latest methods that have been developed to help people improve their lives. It uses electronic stimulation on various parts of the body to help you relax, focus your mind and improve your overall health. Neurofeedback Therapy was first introduced in 1998 and it is based on the theory of neurofeedback - a neurological process that allows the brain to read electrical signals from various sources and then control these signals to help the body in many different ways. In this you are guided by the highly trained specialist. Why Neurofeedback training is important? This training allows patients to regulate their brain response. It enhanced your memory and thinking power. It allows brain to read electrical signal. Through this method you will learn how to recognize when your body is coping with stress and how to counter it with relaxation techniques such as neurofeedback. The basic concept is that the stress causes an imbalance in your brain that causes t...